Do you really know where you are going? Do you have a plan-of-action to take the kinks out of your road to the future? ...you can reach and find happiness. You can reach for that plain peace-of-mind which you desire. All you have to do is turn the key and open the door.
And how do you see yourself in fifty years time?
If you have been rejected many times in your life, then one more rejection then one more rejection isn't going to make much difference. If you're rejected, don't automatically assume it's your fault. The other person may have several reasons for not doing what you're asking her to do: none of it may have anything to do with you. Perhaps the person is busy or not feeling well or genuinely not interested in spending time with you. Rejections are part of everyday life. Don't let them bother you. Keep reaching out to others. Keep reaching out to others. When you begin to recieve positive responses, then you are on the right track. It's all a matter of numbers. Count the positive responses and forget about the rejections.
My fantasies are unlikely. But beautiful.
I believe our purpose in life is to be happy. We humans, don't have any greater cause or destiny. There is no bigger picture when it comes to how our race came to be and where we will go. Our existence is nothing more what know it to be. With that said, we only have one life to enjoy and we should be living it as fulfilling as possible. Happiness is a relative feeling and can only be determined by the person who will feel this emotion. I think our world today has made happiness into, more or less, money and material objects. Our objective in life is to be as rich as we can so we can buy all sorts of cool stuff. But in the end, is that what we're aiming for? Is that what we really want? I believe happiness has a greater meaning than a physical form such as a house, car, or TV. Right now our society has made our lives into one big search for sensual satisfaction and immediate entertainment. Yes, this definitely occupies our mind and pleases our senses, but are we in a way, brainwashed to think that is happiness? Happiness is an idea that can obtained through many outlets, but i think we have been tricked into thinking happiness is what we have made the term into today. Why is like this? Possibly because these things keep us as a race content and "satisfied". When we're content we're very easily manageable and therefore our world as we know it, is stable. And we're afraid of instability, but the truth is without anything to contrast with, happiness can turn into nothing. Soon this world will desensitize us and leave us with nothing. Our world isn't all great, the bad makes the good even better. Despair will enhance happiness. Excitement comes with risk, risk is how we grow and evolve as people and as a race. The reason for the need for organized stability is because we are so dependent, we cannot fend for ourselves no longer. So, what is happiness? I believe happiness is the feeling of better those around you, being the best possible person you can be, contributing the most to society and doing all you can to advance the human race mentally. Physically, if we learn to be independent then mentally we can spend our time thinking, enjoying life, and sharing our ideas and thoughts with everyone else. But, again, back to what i said, do whatever makes you the happiness because you define what that happiness is, even if that's sitting in front of a TV or driving around in your Kancil..!!
After a bit of rambling and mixed ideas, i'd like to know what everyone else defines happiness as? And also if your willing to make the necessary adjustments to live that way? Or, are you completely jailed within our society's standards, and you can't do anything about it... Your world controls you but the truth is you create your own world
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